Coyotes are Active in this Area

Coyotes in populated areas are less fearful of people. They have been known to attack pets and approach people too closely.

If a Coyote Approaches You:

  • Do not run or turn your back
  • Be as big and loud as possible
  • Wave your arms and throw objects
  • Face the coyote and back away slowly
  • If attacked, fight back

Protect Your Pets:

  • Keep pets on a short leash
  • Use extra caution dusk through dawn
  • Avoid known or potential den sites and thick vegetation
  • Do not allow dogs to interact with coyote

Be Prepared!

If You Have Concerns About an Encounter With A Coyote:

  • Recreate during daylight hours
  • Walk with a walking stick
  • Keep a deterrent spray handy
  • Carry noise makers or rocks to throw

All Front Range communities are home to coyotes!

Your Home & Coyotes:

  • Never Feed Coyotes!
  • Remove attractants from your yard, including pet food, water sources, bird feeders, and fallen fruit.
  • Secure trash in a container with a locking lid or put trash out on the morning of pick up.
  • Deter coyotes with a 6 foot privacy fence.
  • Never approach wildlife. If a coyote approaches, yell, throw rocks or sticks at it, spray with a hose, or bang pots and pans.

Your Pet & Coyotes:

  • Keep pets on a 6-foot leash when walking.
  • Never allow your pets to "play" with a coyote.
  • Pick up small pets if confronted by a coyote.
  • Always supervise your pet when outside, especially at dawn or dusk.
  • Never leave cats or dogs outside after dark.
  • Don't leave pet food outside.
  • If you must leave your pet outside, secure it in a fully enclosed kennel.

Article By: Colorado Parks and Wildlife