Please get involved in our next National Night Out which is scheduled for Tuesday, August 6th, 2019


Neighborhood Watch is simply a group of neighbors willing to cultivate relationships and communicate regularly to help reduce incidences of crime in their neighborhood. Each group is educated in general crime prevention, how to safely observe suspicious activity, and how and when to report the activity (first to the Police and then to each other).

Neighborhood Watch is: (Click here for a link to the neighborhood handbook)  Please read for important information about the security of your home and surroundings)

  • Neighbors coming together to help prevent neighborhood crime
  • A community and Police partnership
  • Learning and practicing Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)
  • Learning to identify suspicious activity and report to Police and neighbors (when appropriate)
  • Neighbors who all live in the same neighborhood (generally)

In many of today's communities, relationships have become less personal than they were in the past. Families are more transient, people are often away from home, and more families have both parents working. Neighborhood Watch is one way communities can work together to watch for suspicious activities and report them (when appropriate) to the Police.

Crime Prevention Officers:

Falcon Division on NW side of town; 7850 Goddard Street, Colorado Springs, CO 80920
CPO is Officer Chris Ausec                             Phone: 719-444-7246  Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.