How does the enforcement process work?  A Code Violation is reported, and an inspection occurs as soon as possible.  Notice of Violation is sent, and violator is given 10 days to comply or to contact the Code Enforcement Officer.  If there is no contact or compliance within ten (10)  days, violation is presented to the Board of County Commissioners, the following month, at which time the Board is asked to authorize the County Attorney's Office to pursue litigation.  Response time is seasonal and in the summer months Code Enforcement may take as long as 4 weeks to inspect a property.  During less busy times of the year response may be as short as two (2) weeks.

Why am I being singled out when my whole neighborhood is in violation?  El Paso County has two (2) Code Enforcement Officers for the unincorporated areas of the County and as such must rely on citizen complaints.

Do all my vehicles have to be licensed and operable?  The county no longer regulates unlicensed or expired license plates on vehicles.  If a vehicle appears inoperable, e.g., car up on jacks, flat tires, hood up, then it is a violation of the Land Development Code.

How many vehicles are allowed on a property?  A property owner is allowed to have as many operable vehicles as they want.

How many animals are allowed on a property?  A property (1 lot or home on one parcel of land) may have 4 cats or 4 dogs or a combination of the two.  For specifics of

Animal Keeping click here.  This information is in Chapter 5 of the Land Development Code.

Who gave you permission to come onto my property?  All property inspections are accomplished from the road unless given permission by the property owner to come onto the property.

What should I do if the violation is contained solely to the back yard and cannot be seen by the Code Enforcement Officer?  Enforcement asks that pictures be provided by you, with the understanding there is the possibility that you may be asked to testify at a public hearing.

Who was the complainant?  Unless the complainant states they wish to remain anonymous, the name will be part of the violation file which is considered a public record.

How may a possible Illegal Business be reported?   Many times an illegal business is difficult to observe; neighbors are often the only ones who determine the existence of an illegal business.  Enforcement requires that the Code Violation Form state the type of illegal business suspected, photographs may be provided, and the complainant must be willing to testify at a public hearing if needed.