Board - ACC - Watch
Since Flo retired from the Neighborhood Watch we have had no one fill her shoes. If you would like to step up and help the neighborhood out please contact us. Other wise please click here to read more about the neighborhood watch.
Board: The last few years have been very difficult with the pandemic. We have had a real difficult time filling all of the positions of the board members and to this date we still do not have a Secretary, so if you feel like you would like to help the neighborhood out and be a member of the board as the secretary please contact us and we can chat about what it entails.
Architectural Control Committee: There has not been a whole lot happening here. The 2 (two) members of the committee have been on the board for quite some time and would love to pass on the position to someone new. If you have any interest in becoming a member of the ACC please contact us and we can chat about what it entails.
Neighborhood Watch: As stated above we are really in need of a Neighborhood Watch Coordinator. Please consider helping the neighborhood out by contacting us and we can give you more information on what this position entails.
Happenings in the Neighborhood
Please join Yorkshire Community for our annual Neighborhood clean-up this year! The date is set, June 11th, 2022, starting at 9:00am and will go until the dumpster is full probably about 1:00pm. We are getting one (1) 40 Yard Dumpster, curiosity of CONO! Please contact us if you are able to help us out during the event. If you would like to take a look at the flyer please click here.
As of this time we have not schedule a time for the picnic but do to the pandemic basically being over please look for information in the future on plans for the summer picnic. Please contact us if you are able to help us out during the event.
We are trying to get more consistent at producing a newsletter and passing on any new information that has come up. If you would like to be a part of coming up with some of the information for this please contact us.
I know we have not had a neighborhood meeting in quite some time and now that things seem to be calming down with the pandemic we are hopeful that we can get back on schedule with our bi-yearly meetings. During the picnic we will talk some about the happenings in the neighborhood.
There has been quite a bit going on around us currently (no pun intended) The Apartments appear to be moving along at a steady pace. The Maverick gas station is making great headway and we think that will be open sometime this year. There are also 2 Retail/Restaurant Buildings that have been approve and we assume they will start real soon. At the beginning of March more plans were approved for the King Soopers gas station at the old Conoco location. For More information on the construction around us please click here.
Also want to remind everyone that if you do not have a copy of the covenants or by-laws please follow this to download them to review.
Dues for 2022
At this time we have been collecting dues on a volunteer basis which will still help with Clean-up Day and the Picnic when the offical date is set for it.
Colorado Springs Police Crime Updates
If you would like to see updates from the Colorado Springs Police on Crimes around our neighborhood please click this link.